GPIO Settings

You can attach external devices like buttons, switches, relays or LEDs using the GPIO pins of the ESP.

Web UI~

GPIO Settings   GPIO Pin Configuration


Select the pin of the gpio to use.

Pins known to be in use will be hidden from this list. Check the documentation of your board to see which pins are free to be used as gpio.


GPIOs and objects can be grouped together by specifying a groupid. The state of objects is then altered by any object in the same group. This allows for simple action-reaction scenarios without relying on a home automation system:

The applied value is normalized and proportionate to the value of the input object, much like a percentage:


The grouping of multiple gpios and objects together is intended for simple actions only. More complex actions should be performed by a home automation system, without linking groupids together.

Default state~

The polarity of the gpio when it is not being engaged i.e. the gpio is not connected, zero or idle:



A button gpio sends events to topic input# where # is the groupnumber.

GPIO buttons send out events while they occur. The possible events are:

The values of objects or gpios with the same groupid will be set to maximum when the button is being pressed and to minimum when the button is released.


A switch gpio sends events to input# where # is the groupnumber.

GPIO Switches send out their value when toggled: {"val":"0"} or {"val":"1"}.

The values of objects or gpios in the same group will be set to maximum when the switch is turned on and to minimum when the switch is turned off.


Set the relay ON or OFF when an event is received on output# where # is the groupnumber or from another group intput.

When a relay is grouped with a button or switch in the same group, it will be turned ON or OFF according to the state of the button or switch.

When a relay is controlled by a range object (slider, arc slider, roller, drop-down list) within the same group, the state will be be ON if the .val value is halfway the range or above.


Attaching devices to mains power can be dangerous! Configuring gpios is done on your own responsibility. Be sure to test any system thoroughly using low voltages first.


Set the brightness of the LED between 0 and 255 when a value is received on output# where # is the groupnumber.

When a led is controlled by a button or switch in the same group, it will be turned ON or off according to the state of the button or switch.

When a led is controlled by a range object (slider, arc slider, roller, drop-down list) in the same group, the brightness will be proportional to the .val value of the object within its range (min-max).

For example:

Consider a roller or drop-down list with 4 options: OFF, Low, Medium and High. The .val values can range from 0 to 3. These will set the brightness of the led to 0 (0%), 84 (33%), 170 (66%) and 255 (100%) respectively.

For a roller or drop-down list with 5 options, .val ranges between 0 and 4. The brightness of the led increases 25% with each step.


Set the duty cycle of the pin between 0 and 4095 when a value is received on output# where # is the groupnumber or from another group intput.

When the PWM gpio is grouped with a button or switch, its duty cycle is either set to full-duty or off according to the state of the button or switch.

When the PWM gpio is grouped with range object (slider, arc slider, roller, drop-down list), the duty cycle is proportional to the .val value of the object within its range (min-max).

Idle State~

The GPIO pins do not affect the idle state of the device. Only interacting with the touchscreen automatically resets the idle state.

If you want a GPIO pin to wakeup the device, you should monitor its mqtt topic and use the wakeup, dim and light commands appropriately.

Click 'Save Settings' to save your settings to the device. A restart is required to make the settings active. Navigate back to the Main Menu and click Restart to activate the settings.