Display Settings~

Define the overal settings of the display driver.

Web UI~

Display Settings

Short Idle~

When the display has not been touched for the Short Idle amount of seconds, an idle = short event will be sent out.

Long Idle~

When the display has not been touched for Long + Short Idle amount of seconds, an idle = long event will be sent out.

The Long Idle period begins to count after the Short Idle period.


Rotate the display by the set number of degrees and optionally mirror the display as well.

Show Pointer~

Enable this option to show a mouse pointer. This helps with checking if the touches are correctly detected.

Backlight Control~

Sets the GPIO pin which is used for PWM dimming of the backlight.


Only available with XPT2046 resistive touchscreen controllers.

Starts an onscreen calibration sequence.

Click 'Save Settings' to save your settings to the device. A restart is required to make the settings active. Navigate back to the Main Menu and click Restart to activate the settings.