Debug Settings~

Web UI~

Debug Settings

With the upload function you can upload 2 types of files * .jsonl This file contains the layout for the pages See 'pages' section for more information on this file * .zi These are font files used in the Nextion/TJC HMI disp.

Serial Speed~

Select one of the built-in themes to select the general style for the HASP interface. With the Hue slider you can select the base color for the built-in theme.

Syslog Server~

Enter the filename of the .jsonl you have uploaded to enables the layout on startup.

Syslog Port~

Select to what page the display should switch on startup.

Syslog Protocol~

Select the brightness level of the display on startup. Please note that the display must support dim feature and GPIO for dim is set in display setup.

Click 'Save Settings' to save your settings to the device. A restart is required to make the settings active. Navigate back to the Main Menu and click Restart to activate the settings.