Lanbon L8

Display image


Form factor~

Bezel Color~



An earlier revision V1.14 (20191203) of the PCB had an analog temperature sensor onboard. It was removed from V1.15 (20200521) of the PCB. You are likely not to get it when buying a recent switch.


Display image



Never connect high-voltage when the panel is not properly secured in place.

Display image

You can follow this flashing guide on or this discussion post with instructions and photos to flash the firmware without having to open the device.


  1. Disengage the high-voltage power
  2. Detach the panel from the PSU power supply
  3. Connect RX, TX, IO0, GND and power pins to the female pinheader:
    • Either supply 3.3V or 5V on the corresponding power pin, depending on the voltage supplied by the UART ttl (not both at the same time).
  4. Because there is no RESET pin, you need to powercycle the board to activate flash mode

Once the serial connections are made, flash the Lanbon-L8 ESP32 firmware like any other device.

GPIO Settings~

Pin L8-HS Group Default
12 Relay K3 1 Low
14 Relay 2 Low
26 Mood Red 4 Low
27 Relay 3 Low
32 Mood Green 5 Low
33 Mood Blue 6 Low

To configure all GPIOs at once use this command:

config/gpio {"config":[2360346,2491680,2623009,2097420,2097678,2097947,0,0]}

When using MQTT send to topic hasp/<nodename>/config/gpio a message with payload

Pin L8-HD Group Default
12 Dimmer TX (K3) 1 Low
26 Mood Red 4 Low
32 Mood Green 5 Low
33 Mood Blue 6 Low


You can create you own firmware build with GPIOs and many other parameters pre-configured in user_config_override.h as factory defaults for Lanbon L8.

Wiring Diagrams~

The switch supports several wiring configurations:

Display image



LCD Configuration~

The lcd_config.ini file specifies the different properties of the display, except for the actual pin configuration:

st7789v =
    -D ST7789_DRIVER=1
    ;-D CGRAM_OFFSET=1         ; Library will add offsets required
    -D TFT_SDA_READ            ; Read from display, it only provides an SDA pin
    -D TFT_WIDTH=240
    -D TFT_HEIGHT=320
    -D TFT_ROTATION=2          ; see TFT_ROTATION values
    ; -D TFT_INVERSION_OFF     ; for normal colors
    ; -D TFT_RGB_ORDER=TFT_RGB   ; Colour order Red-Green-Blue
    -D TFT_RGB_ORDER=TFT_BGR ; Colour order Blue-Green-Red
    -D SPI_FREQUENCY=80000000
    -D SPI_READ_FREQUENCY=6000000 

HASP build_flags~

Specify the LCD Configuration to use and define the GPIOs in the environment build flags:

build_flags =

;region -- TFT_eSPI build options ------------------------
    -D TFT_RST=18        ; FCP pin2 RESET
    -D TFT_SCLK=19       ; FCP pin3 SCL
    -D TFT_DC=21         ; FCP pin4 D/C
    -D TFT_CS=22         ; FCP pin5 CS
    -D TFT_MOSI=23       ; FCP pin6 SDA
    -D TFT_MISO=25       ; FCP pin7 SDO
    -D TFT_BCKL=5
    -D TOUCH_DRIVER=5206
    -D TOUCH_SDA=4
    -D TOUCH_SCL=0
    -D TOUCH_IRQ=-1   ; not connected
    -D TOUCH_RST=-1   ; not used, connected to 3.3V on FCP pin10
    -D LED_RED=26
    -D LED_GREEN=32
    -D LED_BLUE=33
    -D RELAY_1=12
    -D RELAY_2=24
    -D RELAY_3=37